Wednesday, 14 May 2014

And breathe...

Crikey, it's been a manic few of weeks. I have been working on quite a few projects and then I've been trying to get work done for Surtex too.  This is Cinnamon Joe's flyer for Surtex done by the amazingly talented Andrea Turk. Good luck Cinnamon Joe as you go off on your travels, I hope you sell tons... Print and pattern did a nice piece about CJ last week - yey!


Annie - said...

LOVE LOVE this! Super cute!! hey, We should spotlight you on my blog - I do artist spotlights about every other week. Some time in June maybe?

See you at Surtex! I am walking - my agent is Parcai Designs #221.

You will do fantastic! Annie

ric-rac said...

I know this is lovely - I'm sure Cinnamon Joe would be interested in you featuring them - enjoy Surtex : )

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