Wednesday 29 May 2013

Half term high jinx

Off we trotted to London for a half term treat to do some touristy stuff. The kids wanted to see Buckingham Palace, do a coach tour and visit the Science Museum (to be honest I wasn't looking forward to the sciency part of the trip. I don't really care HOW things work as long as they do and if  they look nice then I am happy - obviously I didn't say that to my kids though. I pretended to be interested in Stevenson's Rocket and tried really hard to remember lessons of ye olden days). I was in for a surprise though. It wasn't all quantum physics and stuff I don't understand. The interiors are FABULOUS, full of colour and art, we all loved the gallery called "Who am I" AND there was a WHOLE cabinet dedicated to the "Making of the Modern World". Mid century modern heaven.

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