I went to the most FABULOUS talk last night by the contemporary textile designer
Rachel Gornell. Rachel kindly showed us her gorgeous work and sketchbooks. She spoke enthusiastically about her love of colour and how she explores this through looking at how light changes the colour of a building, sky, indeed anything. Rachel works with hand-dyed textiles to create intense hues by layering and
bonding translucent fabrics. The pieces are hand-cut (HAND CUT and there are thousands of circles in some pieces) with intricate
patterns and adorned with hand stitch. Often multilayered, the textile
pieces incorporate cut, suspended and stitched sections to give
movement, detail and depth. Rachel also shared slides of her travels and explain how the experience changed her work. I came out of the talk wanting to work, wanting to choose colours, wanting to try something new. To see Rachel's work visit the exhibition
Liminal at Prism textiles, Mall Galleries, The Mall, London, SW1 28 May- 1 June 2013.
Thanks Rachel you are an inspiration!