I found these in my Mums Postcard collection. They are postmarked 1964. Little static scenes have been handmade (some of the hand making looks a bit ropey) and then someone has coaxed a dog to put his head through a hole in the background to complete the scenario for a photo. I guess the Yorkie was most co-operative as he has the most scenes. Barking mad (pardon the pun) and totally kitsch but brilliant!
MMm I am so glad that the little beasties are not dressed up and had to put their head through a hole in the wall.
Just imagine the time and effort that went into setting these up in those pre-techie times (not that long ago realy!!!)
P.S. the dog doing the ironing looks very cross...and who can blame him!
Yes Shaheen, I'm glad they aren't dressed up too. Someone has obviously gone to alot of trouble to make the scenes - like I said it's bonkers!
Yes Pippa, It's funny to see such low tech stuff in such hi tech times. My fav. is the dog ironing. You're right he does look very grumpy unlike moi, I'm sad, I love ironing : )
aah what these are amazing!! x
Aren't they good in a strange kinda way? I hope the puppies weren't distressed though. Thanks for dropping by ; )
Ha! Genius. Wish my ironing basket was that small...
Yes it's great isn't it CB? I love the little line of washing x
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